Sell everything at is designed with the objective that all users from anywhere can sell their goods and products easily and at a convenient price, without obstacles or additional prices that displace some sellers of certain items.
That is why we focus on making the entire Sales process simple and covering all areas.
In the categories of Vehicles, Properties and Services, Aekgs works as a classified advertising platform and allows 1 free publication for each user so that they can sell at no cost. After the free publication, it has other packages that will allow you to highlight your publication and others with better positions in the listings for more visibility.
In the categories of Products, Supermarkets, Services, Courses and others, Aekgs works as a marketplace. This means that the entire operation from advertising, publication, search, sales formalization and others is integrated into our website. In this case Publishing is always Free, and only 10% is paid in case of sale. The option to feature products and upgrade the listing package is available to get another display in the listings.
Aekgs is constantly improving to satisfy all customers, not leaving aside any sector that affects profitability in order to sell on our platform.
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